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Onboarding Residents

As a Manager, how do I get residents started on the HOA Messenger Mobile App? There are two ways...

Updated over a week ago

There are two ways that you can onboard residents to your newly registered HOA. You can either let everyone in your community know that they can download the mobile app or Register on the Web Portal for your HOA individually (Registered Residents), or you can manually add everyone's information in advance (Unregistered Residents), then merge your manually added residents with any residents who download the mobile app later on. You can take a deeper dive into this process by reviewing the information below.

How do Residents Register their online profiles?

Note: For many features in HOA Messenger, Managers do not have to upload resident information. Once an HOA is created, Managers just have to inform their residents that the HOA Messenger is now being utilized and each resident would then create their own Resident Profiles. Once a Resident has registered, the Manager will receive a notification and must then approve each resident. If a person signing up as a resident does not belong to the Association, then Managers have the ability to deny access. However, once verified by a Manager, Residents will have full access. We call these users “Registered Residents”. The Videos below demonstrates the resident sign up/registration process on both the HOA Messenger Mobile App and the HOA Messenger Resident Web Portal:

How does a Manager Pre-load Resident Details?

Note: We understand that some members of your Association may not want or may not be able to download and join HOA Messenger through the mobile app or Register using the Resident Web Portal. That’s why we created the “Unregistered Resident" category (Formerly Known as "Non-App Resident"). This allows Managers to pre-load resident information, avoiding the need for each Resident to Register on their own.

Click on the Resident Section in the main heading, click on the “Add Contacts” button under the “Non-App Residents” heading:


Note: Enter the non-app resident details in the spreadsheet. You may enter the residents one at a time or all at once, it’s up to you. To paste, hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key on your keyboard, then press V.


Note: After you’ve entered the resident information you wish to add, Click “Save” in the bottom right.


Note: Now that you have residents signed up or inputed, you can get started on many of the other features HOA Messenger has to offer, including the Accounting, Mail, and Violation Features.

Resident Merging: If you add a resident manually via the non-app resident process but then that resident then downloads the mobile app at later date, you can "Merge" their new in-app profile with their non-app profile. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO MERGE RESIDENT PROFILES

You can also schedule Zoom call 👩‍💻or a phone call 📞 with a member of our team to clarify any additional questions you have.

Onboarding FAQs

  • Can I add residents manually later on if they don't register themselves via the self-serve resident onboarding process initially? Yes, you have the flexibility to onboard residents manually at any point. If some residents register themselves and others don't, you can always add the remaining residents at a later time after you've asked residents to sign-up.

  • Can board members have a different level of access? Currently, we do not have a separate stand alone profile category for board members. The existing categories are: Manager, Resident, or Tenant. If a Board member wants to be involved with the administration of HOA Messenger, then we recommend assigning them as a Manager or Co-Manager.

  • Is there a maximum number of Residents that can be registered in one community on the platform? No, there is no maximum limit for the number of homes that can be registered in one community on our platform. You can have thousands of homes in a single community if needed.

  • Is it easy to update a new homeowner's information when they purchase a home in an HOA? Yes, it's easy to add a new homeowner's name and information. You simply ask them to sign-up, at which time they can input their information themselves, or you can upload their information in the "Non-App" resident section then sync their profile to the Accounting Section. The previous owner can then be marked as inactive, but their balance remains until it is paid. Once a former resident's balance is $0, their profile can be deleted from the Accounting section.

  • When entering unit information for Non-App Residents, should I use the onsite address or the owner's mailing address? You should initially input the onsite address. Then, If the property is a rental or if the owner has an offsite mailing address, you can edit the profile in the resident section by clicking "Edit" on the resident's profile. In the Resident's profile you can add an offsite mailing address and include any contextual notes for the property that may be useful to reference in the future.

  • Is there a Committee Section? Currently, there isn't a designated section for committees in the system. You could potentially create a workaround by registering a separate community to facilitate the organization of a separate group like "Racquet Club of Deer Creek committee," for instance. But formally the available categories are resident, vendor, tenant, and manager. At the current time, HOA Messenger doesn't have a formally implemented dedicated feature for committees.

  • How can I add a lot of residents at once? A: If you have a spreadsheet with the residents' information, you can copy and paste the data onto a form in the Non-App Resident section of the web dashboard. There is no cap to the total number of residents you can add, you can system allows you to add up to 100 residents' information at a time using this method. See Non-App Resident onboarding process for more info.

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