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HOA Accounting Software - Coding Deposits
HOA Accounting Software - Coding a bank deposit that's not tied to a specific resident
HOA Accounting Software - Coding a bank deposit that's not tied to a specific resident

Deposits such as interest income are not tied to a specific HOA Resident, so coding them requires a slightly different process. Here's how.

Updated over a week ago

Let's say you're the treasurer of the homeowner's association (HOA), and every month your HOA's bank account earns interest. This interest income isn't associated with any specific resident โ€“ it's income for the HOA as a whole. The bank has deposited this month's interest into your HOA's bank account, and now you need to code this deposit in the HOA Accounting Software. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Section: Log into the HOA Messenger's HOA Accounting Software and go to the Transaction Section. Look for the appropriate transaction with a red "Not Coded" label, indicating the deposit that not been coded yet.

  2. Select the Transaction: Click on the Blue "Edit" Button next to the deposit transaction you want to code.

  3. Confirm the Transaction Type: A pop-up will appear asking if the payment you're coding was made by a resident. Since the payment was not made by a resident (in this example it's an interest deposit), click "No".

  4. Select the GL Code: Now, you will be asked to select the General Ledger (GL) code you wish to code the deposit to. In this case, you'll select the GL code for "Interest Income". The list of GL codes that appear will correspond with the chart of accounts you've selected to use in the "Chart" section. If you haven't customized your HOA's Chart, the default chart will appear in this dropdown. Once the appropriate GL code is selected, click "Confirm".

  5. Confirm the Transaction's Description: You'll have the opportunity to confirm the transaction description. Review it, and once you're satisfied with the description, click "Confirm".

  6. Complete the Coding Process: Now, you're done. When you return to the main transaction screen, you'll notice that the previously un-coded interest deposit transaction now displays a green "Coded" label, indicating it has been coded and is ready to be reconciled at the end of the current accounting period.

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