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How do I schedule a Violation Hearing?

The violation feature can help you generate hearing notices for ongoing compliance issues. Here’s how it works…

Updated over a week ago

You can also schedule Zoom call 👩‍💻or a phone call 📞 with a member of our team to clarify any additional questions you have.

Step One: Select Violation

Select the violation you would like to schedule a Hearing for.

Step Two: Click “Update”

Click on “update” on the violation review screen.

Step Three: Select “Schedule a Hearing”

Step Four: Confirm Location, Date, & Time

Confirm the Hearing Location, Date, & Time; then click “Save”.

Step Five: Confirm Notice Content

Confirm the default letter content. You can make adjustments if needed.

Step Six: Hearing is Saved on main violation screen


Example of Auto Generated Hearing Letter

You can also schedule Zoom call 👩‍💻or a phone call 📞 with a member of our team to clarify any additional questions you have.

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