Premium subscribers are able to enhance the user experience for their residents by removing unused features from view on the resident portal. For instance, if a particular HOA lacks amenities, you can hide the Amenities feature from their mobile app or web portal. Specific features you can hide from view include the Amenities, Jobs, and Payments features. Below is a step-by-step guide that explains how to hide these unused features from the Resident Portal.
Hide Amenities Feature
To hide the Amenities feature from the resident mobile app, log-in to the Manager Web Dashboard and navigate to the Amenities Section, then click on the toggle located next to the "Hide Amenity Feature from Resident Mobile App" text. Once this toggle is clicked, the Amenities feature will not be visible to residents on the mobile app. Keep in mind that you will need to be a Premium Subscriber to enable to hide features from view.
Once this toggle is clicked, the Amenities feature will not be visible to residents on the mobile app. Keep in mind that you will need to be a Premium Subscriber to hide features from view on the Resident Mobile App.
Hide Jobs/Work Orders Feature
To hide the Jobs/Work Orders feature from the resident mobile app, log-in to the Manager Web Dashboard and navigate to the Jobs Section, then click on the toggle located next to the "Hide Jobs Feature from Resident Mobile App" text.
Once this toggle is clicked, the Jobs/Work Orders feature will not be visible to residents on the mobile app. Keep in mind that you will need to be a Premium Subscriber to hide features from view on the Resident Mobile App.
Hide Payments Feature
To hide the Payments feature from the resident mobile app, log-in to the Manager Web Dashboard and navigate to the Payments Section, then click on the toggle located next to the "Hide Payments Feature from Resident Mobile App" text.
Once this toggle is clicked, the Payments feature will not be visible to residents on the mobile app. Keep in mind that you will need to be a Premium Subscriber to hide features from view on the Resident Mobile App.
Default Resident Mobile App View
Below is an example of what the Resident Mobile App screen looks like with all features available for viewing.
Modified Resident Mobile App View
Below is an example of what the Resident Mobile App will appear like if the Amenities, Jobs, and Payments features are selected to be hidden from view.